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Discover our unique formulas that effortlessly blend with your skin to provide perfect coverage and a smooth, matte finish that suits all skin types. Make our products a part of your daily beauty routine to achieve a flawless look that wows everyone on every occasion.

Compact Powder

Invent the most beautiful makeup touches using our rich and diverse blusher colors that give a touch of radiance and vitality that lasts long.


Refresh your look with elegance and sophistication using our unique eyeshadow palette that complements all skin tones and suits every occasion.

Eyeshadow Palette

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Best Selling Product This Month . . .

Forever Los Setting Powder 18

Forever 18 loose face powder, with a transparent and lightweight texture that is relatively reflective to give you a silky smooth feel.

It sets makeup and reduces unpleasant skin shine, in addition to hiding fine under-eye lines and giving it a subtle light.

It ensures velvety sheer coverage without clumping. Suitable for all skin types.

A perfect choice for a silky look without clumping.


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